Chakra Orgone Necklace
Chakra Orgone Necklace
Natural Crystal Chakra Orgone Necklace
Healing chakras, promoting positive energy and EMF blocking.
Engage your 7 chakras
Root Chakra: Red. This is the place of primal energy. Things we need to survive. Like children, when we have our needs met we can move beyond concerns about basic survival needs. If your root chakra is unbalanced then you experience fear, lack of safety, worry, and concern.
Sacral Chakra: Orange. Located below the navel. This is our emotional center. Where we feel pleasure, enjoyment, individuality. When this is not operating well we have stomach trouble and gut issues. Creativity and movement flow from this Chakra when it is balanced.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow. Located in the area of the diaphragm. This houses your value, worth, and power. When out of balance it can present itself as feelings of helplessness, lack of confidence, and lack of identity. It can also present as someone who must control everything and everyone around them to feel validated.
Heart Chakra: Green. Located around the heart. This chakra needs the lower three to be engaged and healthy to work properly. Symptoms of a blocked heart chakra are isolation, fear of intimacy, inability to forgive, and acting without thought to others. It can also present as the opposite through people pleasing and martyr syndrome. This is when people try to access the heart from the top down instead of the bottom up.
Throat Chakra: Blue. Located in the throat. Imbalanced throat chakras present as an inability to voice opinions or feelings. Not being able to listen well to others. Balancing the throat chakra means giving a voice to your desires and being able to communicate well with others.
Third Eye: Purple. Located between the eyes slightly above the eyebrow. This chakra is connected to the Pineal Gland which can be blocked both spiritually and physically. Discontinuing the use of fluoride products and eating a clean diet can help decalcify the pineal gland. The pineal gland produces melatonin which allows you to dream. Being out of alignment in this chakra presents an inability to accept spiritual matters, not being able to sense things beyond our 5 physical senses, and a lack of wisdom.
Balancing all your chakras is essential to both physical and spiritual health.
Always move your energy from the base to the peak.